Simon Sinek:Start with Why

Thursday, 03 March 2016
Published in Blog

Originally filmed in 2009, I cannot begin to tell you just how relevant “Starting with Why” still is today, and how many conversations I have with leaders, marketers and sales people about the impact of starting with why.

This reminds me of a story told by Stephen Covey in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". He tells the story of a NASA employee who is asked by a visitor what his job is.  His reply, “I help send man to the moon.”  His job: janitor.  Now’s there’s a clear and inspiring example of why.  

A few questions that you might like to consider as you watch Simon’s talk:

§  What is your purpose?  Why do you get out of bed in the morning?  What is your why?

§  What impact does knowing your why have on your well-being?

§  What is the impact of you operating from the inside?

My why is to open doors.  I invite you to step through these doorways with me and soak up the other side.


The 5 minute, edited version of Simon’s talk can be found here:

Simon Senek's full TedTalk of around 18 minutes entitled "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" can be found here: