Netball taught me well …

Written by  Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Published in Newsletter
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Netball taught me well...

A number of you will know that I played netball from a very early age (and for a long time); you may recall that I wrote a blog about What netball has taught me. I was reminded of another lesson last week, learnt from most likely my very first day on court … more about that later.

Save the Date!  Courage in the Lucky Country - Workplace Conversations

In our last newsletter I shared with you some of the results of insium’s Workplace Courage Questionnaire (CQ), focusing on Authentic Self. I’m excited to let you know that I will be presenting the results for Workplace Conversations on Tuesday, July 20th!  These results will be presented virtually. For now, save the date and time (8:30am -9:15am). More details will follow soon, but for now a teaser for you … 

For our 269 respondents, the 3 most worthwhile workplace conversations to have are:

  • Managing customer expectations
  • Speaking up against unsafe work practices
  • Speaking up in the presence of workplace bullying

What do you think are the 3 workplace conversations that need the most attention?  Join us on July 20th to find out.  

Thanks again to all who participated in our Workplace Courage Questionnaire, and thank you to Associate Professor Peggy Kern of the University of Melbourne for her help in development of insium’s workplace CQ and to Wavemaker Australia with whom we analysed the data.

Recommended Reading

Some reading that is inspiring and influencing our work right now includes:

“Think Again,” by Adam Grant. How often do you think again?  How often do you pause to rethink and to unlearn?

“Choosing Courage: The Everyday Guide to Being Brave at Work,” by Jim Detert; this is a guide for building and being courageous, and we know there are many workplace and non-workplace reasons for being courageous every day. In his work, similar to our own, Jim Detert has identified that everyday workplace situations may require courage.

“Emotional Agility,” by Susan David. Emotions are not good or bad, but we do experience positive and negative emotions, and how we manage them is what is beneficial for our psychological wellbeing.

And if you’d like to be inspired to courage, you’ll find recent Courage Interviews and Courage Blogs that will certainly do that!  Remember, “the difference between knowing and doing is courage.”

Here if you need

As a past netball player, this tweet by Melanie Bracewell had me smiling broadly last week and then laughing out loud!  It’s so true!

Whether you’ve played netball or not, I hope you get a laugh out of it too.  And, on a serious note, if there is anything we can help you with, any way in which we can support you, we’re “here if you need …” 


#drawonyourcourage and be well,


Read 1858 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 April 2022 00:52