insium's newsletter on leadership: September, 2016

Written by Wednesday, 21 September 2016 00:00
Published in Newsletter

Organisational Courage

Courage is a pattern of constructive opposition, in which an individual stands against social forces in order to remedy duress in the organisation.

Monica Worline, 2012

The VIA strengths of courage are bravery, perseverance, honesty and zest; practising these strengths have resulted in the following organisational benefits:

  • Improved accountability and responsibility
  • More effective working relationships
  • Increased self-efficacy and self-confidence
  • Broadened perception of what is possible and improved resourcefulness
  • Increased goal achievement
  • Increased ability to learn from mistakes
  • Increased positive energy, positive mood, empathy and conscientiousness
  • Increased prosocial orientation
  • Inspired others to act courageously 

Adapted from the works of Haidt (2002); Herman (1971); Hitz & Driscol (1989), Huhnke (1984); McQuaid& Lawn (2014); Peterson & Seligman (2004); Ryan & Deci (2000); Shepela, Cook, Horlitz, Leal, Luciano & Lufty (1997)

How do you build courage in your organisation?  A few ideas for your consideration that can be easily implemented include:


Wednesday, 24 August 2016 00:00
Published in Blog

I recently tweeted about the following clip and thought I would write a very short piece about how you might like to consider using this clip in a strengths and/or wellbeing workshop.

This short clip (less than 5 minutes) from the animated movie, “Up!”, can be found here:


insium's newsletter on leadership: August, 2016

Written by Wednesday, 10 August 2016 00:00
Published in Newsletter


The willingness to act towards a moral or worthwhile goal despite the presence of risk, uncertainty and fear

Robert Biswas-Diener, 2012

The VIA strengths of courage are bravery, perseverance, honesty and zest.  The benefits of these strengths include:

  • Healthy positive relationships
  • Taking personal responsibility for one’s actions
  • Increased tolerance for ambiguity
  • Increased resilience, personal growth and achievement
  • Increased trust
  • Increased happiness and wellbeing
  • Increased inclusiveness
  • Fuller expression of abilities, skills and talents
  • Increased resourcefulness
  • Increased self-confidence 

Adapted from Peterson & Seligman (2004)


While the following short clip depicts the courage of Buzz Lightyear:

courage is not purely the domain of the heroes in the world - ordinary people have courage too. (Lopez, Rasmussen, Skorupski, Koetting, Petersen, & Yang, 2010).  And yet, being courageous … requires courage.

Ancient Wisdom the Key to Solving Today's Problems?

Thursday, 02 June 2016 00:00
Published in Blog

Think the concepts of mindfulness and resilience are new?  Think again!  Stoicism, which dates back to Greco-Roman times, is "the branch of ancient western philosophy that focuses on mindfulness, resilience, creativity and more, all of which allow us to flourish".  "It requires being mindful, awareness and control, rather than being lost to emotion and random thought processes. Stoic exercises such as “practicing” misfortune and poverty help teach us that the worst case scenario is not in fact, the worst. And it’s great for business.  Stoic principles can build the resilience and state of mind required to rebound from knock-backs, so important in our new world of innovation and entrepreneurship".

Sound interesting?  Think it might have some applicability in your life?  Then for more information, follow this link to a recent article on "The Conversation" website.

Barack Obama - Rutgers University Commencement Address

Thursday, 26 May 2016 00:00
Published in Blog

"In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue"

"Qualities like kindness, compassion, honesty and hard work, they often matter more than technical skills and know-how. But when our leaders express a disdain for facts; when they're not held accountable for repeating falsehoods and just making stuff up, while actual experts are dismissed as elitist, then we've got a problem"

Food for thought.