Community in the Here & Now

Written by Wednesday, 18 March 2020 00:00
Published in Newsletter


#Community in the here and now


I really struggled in writing this newsletter.  My tension came from not wanting to fill your inbox with another email when there is so much happening for everyone; my tension came from “do I forge on, assuming business as usual and provide insium updates” or “do I focus on the immediate here and now”? 

Conference Gives Australian Workplaces A Courage Boost

Written by Monday, 02 December 2019 00:00
Published in Newsletter

Conference gives Australian workplaces a courage boost

More than 80 people met in Melbourne on 14 November to explore the role of courage in the workplace at the 2019 Courage Conference hosted by Dina Pozzo from insium and Leading With Courage.


Written by Tuesday, 16 July 2019 00:00
Published in Newsletter


As you know, Dina is passionate about building courageous leaders in our workplaces and community.  She is excited and honoured to be a Certified Dare To Lead™ Facilitator, offering further knowledge and expertise to your organisation.