Leadership Attributes - Courage, Empathy, A Scout Mindset &Wellbeing

It's almost the end of Quarter 1 and much has taken place!  During this first quarter, we have been inspired by many.  We've been inspired and energised by leaders who are sharing their perspectives on courage, and we've been inspired and learnt from the work of others ... and we would like to share our inspiration with you.

insium's Interviews with Courageous Leaders

Written by Thursday, 08 February 2018 00:00
Published in Newsletter


A question on courage

In a world of constant disruption and mounting tension, it has never been more important to be courageous and to have courageous leaders across politics, business, government and community.

2017 insium Client Survey - Thank you

Sunday, 07 January 2018 00:00
Published in Blog


Feedback from our 2017 Client Survey

Once again, we're grateful to those clients who took time to provide feedback via our annual client survey.  We are extremely humbled to see that 100% of respondents consider their experience in working with us to be "Excellent"; we are grateful for the opportunity to work with you.  Additionally, 80% of respondents also consider us to be "Much better" or "Somewhat better" than our competitors.  We're energised by this fantastic show of support for what we do.